
National Crime Reading Month

Authors as Booksellers

Southern England

Event Type:Bookshop Event
Event Organiser:The East Grinstead Bookshop
Booking Link:https://www.eastgrinsteadbookshop.co.uk/saturday-signing-sessions
Ticket Price:Free

The East Grinstead Bookshop, 22 High St, East Grinstead RH19

Venue accessibility:

Please call ahead with accessibility needs, 01342 322 669.

As part of Crime Reading Mon the brilliant indie bookshop The Bookshop at High Street, East Grinstead, is hosting authors in the shop as “booksellers” and to sign their books on Saturday 15 June. As well as Karen Swan in the morning with a film crew, Sarah Jane-Butler will be there at lunchtime and Liz Fielding will be there in the afternoon. Join us! Find out more here.

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