
National Crime Reading Month

In conversation with Penny Batchelor

West Midlands & North Wales

Event Type:Sole author interview
Event Organiser:Warwickshire Library and Information Service
Booking Link:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/in-conversation-with-penny-batchelor-tickets-866118552907
Ticket Price:Free

Wellesbourne Library and Information Centre, Kineton Rd, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9NF.

Venue accessibility:

Please contact the venue for details: 0300 555 8171

Join us at Wellesbourne Library as we chat with author Penny Batchelor about her latest book, The Reunion Party, to mark both National Crime Reading Month (slightly late!) and Disability Pride Month.

The Reunion Party

On the twenty-fifth anniversary of Tania’s death, five university friends reunite at a luxurious country hotel to commemorate the life of their dear friend. Always been the outsider, Jeannie has thrown everything into making the weekend a success. With two kids and busy work schedules, Keren is looking forward to some time alone with husband, Adam, and being back in the company of old friends. Facing a messy divorce and bankruptcy, a few nights away is just the escape Johnny needs right now. Sara has enough on her plate trying to co-parent with her ex-partner and would prefer to be as far away from the event as possible if she hadn’t promised Keren.

When the drinks start flowing and with the party in full swing, the merry mood of the night suddenly turns once secret revelations come to light about their university days. But just how well did they know Tania? And could there be more to Tania’s accident than they’re letting on?

Who will make it through the reunion in one piece?

About the Author

Penny Batchelor is an alumna of the Faber Academy online ‘Writing a Novel’ course, a freelance journalist, a former BBC content producer and website editor for various educational institutions, and lives in Warwickshire with her husband. She writes a monthly column for The Bookseller magazine.

Penny is passionate about positive disability representation in fiction. One fifth of the UK population is disabled, so why don’t we see that reflected in novels? Along with publisher Clare Christian, Penny co-founded the ADCI Literary Prize for authors with a disability or chronic illness who write adult novels with one or more disabled characters.

Her thrillers My Perfect Sister and Her New Best Friend are published by Embla Books and can be ordered in ebook, audiobook and paperback from Warwickshire Libraries. She is currently enjoying writing fiendish plots, killer twists and jaw-dropping cliffhangers for another Embla novel and is also working on an historical literary thriller.

Free refreshments provided. There will be copies of Penny Bathcelor’s books for sale at the event courtesy of Kenilworth Books.

If you have any questions, please contact libraryevents@warwickshire.gov.uk

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